Auto electronics
Informationalized Solution
R&D tools
TPT is a model-based testing tool for testing embedded systems, especially the testing of control systems. TPT supports all important fields of the test process which are in detail the management of tests, test modelling, test execution, test assessment, and test documentation.
Based on innovative Time Partition Testing Method,TPT helps to greatly improve the software testing technology of control systems. TPT also supports industry mainstream modeling and testing environments, it can implement automatic testing on different platforms, making best use of customers’ existing tool investment. Especially for MATLAB/Simulink/Stateflow and TargetLink, TPT provide best support for model-based testing.
TPT is the product of PikeTec GmbH, located in Berlin, Germany. The founders of PikeTec shared a ten year working experience at DaimlerChrysler.TPT was awarded as the best innovation software in Daimler in 2005, and is widely used in OEMs like Daimler, VW, Audi, Porsche, GM,etc, in suppliers like Bosch, Continental, Hella, etc.(Please visit PikeTec’s TPT website for further details about TPT.)
As PikeTec’s partner in China, Polelink will help Chinese customers to improve the testing efficiency of embedded control systems by TPT.
Time Partition Testing
Time Partition Testing is software testing method based on time partition, mainly used for model-based module testing, integration testing, systematic testing and regression testing.
Embedded software-based control systems interact with their real environment in real-time, are very complex and usually have a continuous but time discrete behaviour. Classic test approaches are not suitable for such systems since these are mostly specialized on the modelling of individual discrete values or value sequences and not on the description of continuous signals.
With its test modelling language, TPT provides mechanisms for the simple and easily understandable modelling of signals which accommodates the continuous character of the systems.
Test cases stimulate the test object by continuously affecting system quantities (inputs). Test cases can react to system behavior by observing system quantities (outputs).The bi-directional interaction between Interface test object and TPT test case is based on named variables.
Key Features of TPT
TPT was developed to graphically and compactly model tests of embedded systems – especially those with continuous behaviour, to automate those tests and to offer a systematic that supports the tester in selecting an ideal amount of test cases. The intuitive graphic modelling technique for test cases, the mechanisms for the structuring of complex test problems, the simple integration in any test-bench and a number of additional interesting features makes TPT a unique test solution.
TPT key benefits:
Cost-efficient consistent testing for all phases of the development: One test description for all development phases (MiL, SiL, HiL). Early malfunction detection.
Intuitive test description: Model-based test development without extensive programming skills required. The graphical test-modeling is platform-independent.
Test execution on many different platforms: Simple integration and test execution on all platforms (e.g. MATLAB/Simulink models, TargetLink models, ASCET, C-Code, DaVinci, SystemDesk, CAN, LIN, INCA, LABCAR, HiL-Tests).
AUTOSAR components can be tested using TPT and the execution platform DaVinci, SystemDesk or Messina.
Real-time enabled: On real-time-platforms the tests can be executed in real-time. The testing of controller systems is possible.
Closed-loop testing: TPT supports reactive tests, that is to say tests, which can react on the system’s behaviour during the test execution. Particularly when testing control systems, this possibility is essential because system mostly show a reactive nature in these fields.
Efficient automatic test result evaluation: After the test run the collected data can be assessed via GUI or assessment script. This means the expected behaviour of the system is analysed systematically. The source of the analysed data can be also a different measure tool like TargetLink, Simulink signal logging data, INCA or CANape.
Efficient automatic test documentation: The test results are documented as information rich freely configurable HTML reports.
Universl test tool: The test specification (modeling) is identical for all tests (model-testing, unit-testing, Integration-testing, validation-testing, regression-testing).
Automatic test process: The automatic process using TPT includes test execution, test assessment and test documentation. This process is the same using the same tool for all platforms.
Highest test-quality by means of systematic testing.
ASAM MCD-3 Measurement: Parallel to the test execution controller internal signals can be measured via MCD-3 .
Requirements tracing: Traceability of requirements and tests.
Testing Simulink Models
TPT offers unique and all-encompassing support for testing and verification MATLAB/Simulink/Stateflow- and TargetLink models. The strengths of both systems can be used because of the perfectly tuned interface between TPT and MATLAB/Simulink. Functional models are created normally in MATLAB/Simulink, Stateflow and TargetLink. Then the associated test models are created in TPT. The integration feature of TPT with MATLAB/Simulink ensures an efficient execution and an effective test process.
In order to make the test models simple to create and easy to reuse, TPT extracts the interface information for the functional models and inserts this into the test model. TPT takes the subsystem model to be tested, automatically handles the interfacing and analysis of complex signals, the vectors, busses, multiplexer. The TPT interfaces can also be manually adapted or corrected if necessary.
TPT requires a test-harness model for the test execution which contains a copy of the complete sub system behaviour and a special TPT execution engine. The creation of the TPT test-harness model is completely automatic, if desired.
All aspects of test execution management are handled by TPT. Test execution control for MATLAB tests is managed by TPT and complex tests can be executed unattended in batch mode. TPT can remotely control MATLAB/Simulink and implement Bi-directional exchange of parameters between MATLAB and TPT.
Key Features:
Full Support TargetLink
Automatic analysis of the model under test, analyse interfaces, import parameters
Automatic generation of the test-frame models(test-harness-model)
Bi-directional exchange of parameters between MATLAB and TPT
Reusability of tests between MiL, SiL, PiL and HiL
Flexible configuration options by way of M-script support
TPT Test Execution
TPT completely automates the test execution; test evaluation and test report generation. Tests with TPT can be automatically performed in almost all test environments. The heart of the test execution is the so-called TPT Virtual Machine (TPT-VM), which optimally processes the test cases translated into special byte-code and thus controls the test. The integration of TPT into an existing test environment just requires the TPT-VM to be embedded into the test environment and signal data to be exchanged between the test environment and the TPT-VM at run-time – which is normally possible with little effort.
Supported Platform by TPT:
TPT also provides co-simulation platform environment-FUSION for PC- based testing environment, to easily build and configurate a complex simulation environment, including CAN adapter, I/O Adapter, EtherCAT, Plant Models and C-Code.
TPT also provides co-simulation platform environment-FUSION for PC- based testing environment, to easily build and configurate a complex simulation environment, including CAN adapter, I/O Adapter, EtherCAT, Plant Models and C-Code.
TPT can be used for AUTOSAR-Testing. In Version 4.1 there exist an "Incubation Feature" called "AUTOSAR-component testing support for FUSION". This feature enables the user to test single AUTOSAR-components at the FUSION platform without other AUTOSAR tools directly.
Alternative TPT can remote-control DaVinci-CT, a Vector tool for testing AUTOSAR components. The third way is via SystemDesk. In this case the TPT-VM is part of SystemDesk. Tests can be executed from TPT in SystemDesk while all the configuration of the Autosar-componentes in their environment is done in Systemdesk.
HiL Testing
Off the shelf TPT supports LabCAR and dSpace Hardwares. Generally the TPT-VM can run on HiL-systems in real-time. It must be handled how the test case is transferred to the VM and how the test data is transferred back to the Host-PC. Alternatively the VM can run on the Host-PC and sends Data to the HiL. This is not real-time enabled. This question generally depends always on the HiL-System itself.
During test execution on real controller hardware TPT can measure controller internal signals synchronously. The measurements are later available within the test assessment. This offers a unique opportunity for automatic test result evaluation. TPT implements the ASAM-MCD3 standard for measurement controller signals during test execution via ETAS INCA and Vector CANape.
Requirement Tracing
Requirements tracing is explicitly required by safety-critical software projects. Requirements traceability refers to the ability to describe and follow the life of a requirement, in both forwards and backwards direction. The goal is to follow a requirement to its implementation and its tests.
TPT supports requirements and test tracing. TPT supports the management of tests and requirements as well as the relationship between both.Industry norms such as IEC 61508, DO-178B, EN 50128 and ISO 26262 require traceability of requirements and tests. TPT offers an interface to requirements tools like IBM Rational DOORS in order to support these activities.
Tool integration of TPT and requirements management tools like IBM Rational DOORS enables:
Management of traceability links between requirements and tests
Traceability and impact analysis of requirements changes
Requirements modules can be viewed in TPT
Test cases can be exported to IBM Rational DOORS
Test cases can be imported from IBM Rational DOORS
Test cases can be synchronized in IBM Rational DOORS and TPT
Requirements modules can be imported to TPT
Traceability of requirements changes
Requirements coverage analysis
ISO26262 Support
TPT supports all testing activities that are required for a product developed according to ISO 26262.
TPT Supports Analysis and detection of Tool Impact and Tool Error Detection. If one wants to use TPT for you need to qualify TPT for it's using. For this one needs to find out the Tool Confidence Level. From there qualification methods must be determined. For TPT two methods come into consideration. The analysis of the development process of TPT and a validation of the tool. For the process one needs to look at PikeTec’s process. For the validation PikeTec can provide a validation suite for TPT. The validation can be done by the user itself.