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New energy test overview

While the general development methods remain the same, power electronic components and high voltage batteries requi...

Automotive Electronics Test System Development

Polelink provides test system development service for traditional network testing, automotive ethernet testing, diagn

Network and diagnostics test

In-vehicle network communication and diagnostic testingIn-vehicle network communication, as a core component of moder

Auto electronic function test

E&E function test is important to assure vehicle’s quality As well known, system engineering is an approach to

Test-House service

Facing the challenges like the increase of complexity of in-vehicle network technology and quantity of ECUs, and ...

ADAS/AD Test Solutions

As the technology partner of Vector, Rohde & Schwarz, IPG, Pi innovo, PikeTec and HQEadar, Polelink will provide domestic automotive customers with V2X testing system and services, mainly including rapid prototyping tool for L1-L5 automatic driving

V2X Test Solutions

V2X, namely vehicle-to-everything, is aimed to realize information exchanging and sharing between vehicle and X (vehicle, road, human, cloud, etc ) and the“safe, efficient, comfortable, and energy-saving” driving through modern communication

Software Test

As the increasing of the complication of automotive electronic software, it is necessary to finish software testing in the initial stage of development, find and fix problems in early stage of test to ensure software quality and delivery cycle time